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FUBR Tricky Scenarios

FUBR – Handling Tricky Scenarios

FUBR also known as Freight Unit Building Rule in SAP TM sometimes ends up with tricky scenarios like splitting of freight units as the truck capacities clashes with each other. Example if you have 5 trucks with capacities like 4, 7, 9, 11, and 13 tons respectively. It makes it a tricky situation on how to make the split. Easiest solution would be to define 1 FU = 1 Ton. However, the problem here is with smaller units you will have to compromise on the optimizers performance.

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What Is The Best FUBR?

As was previously stated, it depends on your particular situation. To decrease the number of FUs the optimizer must take into account. It is advised to set the split as large as the transportation operation permits to avoid performance issues.

These are the consequences:

  • If you select a very tiny quantity, you will send the Optimizer a lot of FUs, which will affect performance (time to get the best possible solution).
  • If you select a large split quantity, you run the risk of selecting a resource with a capacity of 4 tonnes and two FUs with a capacity of 3 tonnes each, in which case only one of them will be planned.

It’s important to keep in mind that, depending on the characteristics of the material, you can also have partial FUs. For instance, if the material has a 1PC=500KG weight, your FWO for that material has 3PC, and your FUBR is set to a split of 2 Tons. You will have 0.75 FUs because this will only produce 1 FU with 1.5 Tons.

If you work with many items with various characteristics, you might set your split to 5 Tons while keeping in mind that not all FUs will equal 5 Tons.

Going with the 1 Ton split is what I would advise if you want a more uniform approach and your resource capacities don’t share a common multiple.

Again, it all depends on your circumstance. Remember to keep it straightforward, and the fewer variables you provide to the optimizer, the quicker you will get the optimum result. You can establish a split quantity for Optimizer planning that will work with all resource kinds. For manual planning, you could, for instance, make 1 FU for each FWO and manually split it in the Transportation Cockpit as necessary.

You may also think about how many of each type of transportation resources available. Setting the split limit to that capacity if they just have a few 13 tonnes vehicles is not a good idea because many orders will go unfulfilled due to a lack of available resources.

The optimizer should fill in the gaps if you combine the transportation needs of several clients in order to make optimal use of other smaller loads.

It is unrealistic to anticipate constant resource use of 100 percent. So I don’t think you can always fulfil a full truck.

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